
目前显示的是 二月, 2024的博文

【Daily Highlight】SLKOR High-voltage MOSFET SL13N50FS

Dutch company ASML recently stopped delivering certain high-end equipment to China in accordance with the request of the US government. It was reported that in early January 2024, ASML disclosed that the Dutch government had revoked the licenses for several NXT:2050i and NXT:2100i lithography machines that were scheduled to be shipped in 2023. This move may have a certain impact on the Chinese semiconductor industry. The semiconductor industry is highly globalized, and cooperation and communication are key to its development. Any unilateral restrictions and obstacles imposed by any country will have a negative impact on the global semiconductor ecosystem. Faced with ASML’s halt in delivering high-end equipment to China, the Chinese semiconductor industry needs to seek alternative solutions. As a domestic semiconductor enterprise, SLKOR will fully leverage its own advantages to provide domestic alternative products and meet market demands. Over the past few years, SLKOR has rapidly incr

A Day at China's Largest Electronics Market - Huaqiang North

On Saturday, January 27th, I went to the sales point of S LKOR  (www.slkor ic .com), located in Huaqiangbei, Shenzhen, China, to deliver goods. After completing the delivery, I took the opportunity to explore Huaqiangbei and experience the charm of the renowned "China Electronics First Street." However, as I walked through the streets, I noticed that there were fewer people compared to before, and I couldn't help but feel that the glory of Huaqiangbei has faded.   Huaqiangbei used to be magnificent – it was a showcase of the achievements of Shenzhen as an economic special zone and was considered one of the two major centers of China's electronic information industry alongside Beijing's "Zhongguancun." Our company, Kinghelm Electronics (www.kinghelm. net ), and SLKOR   Semiconductor also have flagship stores in Huaqiangbei! The Huaqiangbei commercial district covers an area of approximately 1.45 square kilometers and is recognized as the "China Elect

أطلقت SLKOR نموذج IGBT الجديد

تم تخصيص شركة SLKOR Micro Semicon Co., Ltd. ، ومقرها في شنتشن، الصين، للبحث عن مواد وتقنيات جديدة، ومواصلة تقديم منتجات جديدة، مما يساعد في دعم التطوير المستمر للشركة . في الآونة الأخيرة، أصدرت SLKOR SL40T120FL IGBT لسلسلة أجهزتها المنفصلة، ​​ و SLA333 لسلسلة مكبرات الصوت التشغيلية CMOS ، والتي تلبي احتياجات العملاء في مركبات الطاقة الجديدة، والطاقة الشمسية الكهروضوئية، والتحكم في جر المحرك، والعاكس، وإمدادات الطاقة التبديلية، وصناعات الخوادم الصناعية . وأوضح المدير العام سونغ شي تشيانغ أن الفريق الفني لشركة SLKOR (www.slkoric.com) ، الذي يضم خبراء من جامعة تسينغهوا في الصين وجامعة يونسي في كوريا الجنوبية، هو أحد أوائل الفرق التي تفهمت تكنولوجيا إنتاج SIC MOSFET ذات الجهد العالي . وفي عام 2022 ، حصلت الشركة على لقب " المؤسسة الوطنية للتكنولوجيا الفائقة " وحصلت على العشرات من براءات الاختراع في مجال MOSFETs و IGBTs و TVS diodes واختبار المكونات . تتوافق منتجات SLKOR مع معايير RoHS و REACH الخاصة بالاتحاد الأوروبي . أصبحت "SLKOR" علامة تجارية مشهورة عالميًا، حيث تخدم

SLKOR hosted the second "Hometown Food Festival" to celebrate the Lantern Festival

On February 24th, the Lantern Festival, a unique event called the "Hometown Food Festival" was held at the headquarters of SLKOR  Micro (www.slkoric.com)   and Kinghelm  (www.kinghelm.net). General Manager Mr. Song Shiqiang said, "As a company with a human touch and people-oriented approach, SLKOR  Micro Semiconductor   and Kinghelm  Electronics has always focused on the welfare and care of its employees. This event is also a thoughtful gesture and reward from the company to its employees." This is the second edition of the Hometown Food Festival, where colleagues from SLKOR  Micro   and Kinghelm  actively participated. Whether from the southern regions of Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Anhui, Jiangxi, or the central regions of Shanxi, Henan, and even colleagues from the northeastern regions, each place has its unique culinary culture, and they brought characteristic local delicacies from their hometowns. Colleagues who traveled abroad during the Spring Festival holiday

【Daily Highlight】SLKOR High-voltage MOSFET SL22N65CF

2023 was not an easy year for the entire semiconductor industry. According to WSTS data, the market size of the semiconductor component industry was $520.1 billion, a decrease of 9.4%. The only category with positive growth was discrete devices represented by power devices, which are expected to grow by 5.8% for the whole year. Power devices, as core components for energy conversion and circuit control, have broad downstream applications. According to downstream application classifications, the automotive sector occupies 40% of the market share, driven mainly by the development and popularization of intelligent vehicles in recent years. Facing the challenges of the semiconductor industry in 2023, SLKOR (www.slkoric.com) continued to invest in technological innovation and made significant breakthroughs and progress. SLKOR not only mastered key technologies such as silicon carbide MOSFETs and ultra-fast recovery power diodes but also had independent design and manufacturing capabilities.