
目前显示的是 一月, 2024的博文

How to have 100% continuity growth in 2023?

S LKOR  S ong Shiqiang  tells you the code   In recent years, China's economic development has encountered many challenges. However, under the leadership of Song Shiqiang, Kinghelm Electronics (www.kinghelm.net) and Slkor Micro  Semicon (www.slkoric.com) have maintained a continuous 100% growth rate in both 2022 and 2023, achieving the initial goal of annual sales of one hundred million yuan and meeting the minimum financial requirements for listing on the GEM board. We continue to strive for our goal of listing on the Sci-Tech board and strengthening the fundamental management of our company. So what is the secret to our success? From my perspective, it comes down to four main factors: grasping the core value of our industry, implementing strong internal management practices, promoting systematic innovation within our company, and treating the domestic and foreign markets for electronic components like a battlefield. These are the key aspects that have contributed to our success.