
目前显示的是 八月, 2023的博文

SLKOR held a work exchange and business sharing meeting, emphasizing on the construction of basic skills of the talent cultivation team

  SLKOR ( www.slkoric.com ) held a work exchange and business sharing meeting, paying close attention to the basic skills of the talent development team.SLKOR General Manager, Mr. Song Shiqiang, believes that the current market and economic situation is complex and volatile, which brings great pressure to the company’s operation, and at the same time tests the enterprise’s own resilience in development. SLKOR company wants to pursue the evergreen business, can not be separated from these three basic skills: customers, products and talents. The development of the first two depends greatly on the latter. Whether it is developing and maintaining customers, or innovating products and upgrading technology, it requires a constant flow of human resources. Iron still needs its own hard, so slkor talent training basic skills construction is essential, only to build a good talent training foundation, in order to achieve better results in the work. At the exchange and sharing meeting, every busin

China’s Chip Market Continues to Grow, New Technology Helps Promotional Department Improve Efficiency

  Huaqiang North economic researcher Mr Song Shiqiang said, to promote the economy, "Compo cycle" of disruptive new technologies have not yet appeared, we are still in the electronic information age, the existing technology and the market will not die out. In recent years, the development of AI, meta-universe, Microsoft ChatGPT and Huawei Pangu language model is booming, and the continuous development of electrification, information technology, digitalisation are inseparable from electronic components. Large to war warships, missiles, small to the people's smart door locks, TV sets, from Apple's smart phones to kinghelm ( www.kinghelm.com.cn ) development of Beidou GPS navigation products, are inseparable from the chip. China's General Administration of Customs data, China's chip 2023 January-June total imports decreased quite a lot still amounted to 162.609 billion U.S. dollars. According to incomplete statistics, each year through the Chinese mainland import

Electronic Components Industry: Opportunities and Challenges in Huaqiang North

  Slkor ( www.kinghelm.com.cn ) General Manager Song Shiqiang said that the electronic information industry is still in the industry’s momentum, Huaqiang North’s development still has opportunities. For the moment, the disruptive new technology that drives the economic “Compo cycle” has not yet appeared, and we are still in the era of electronic information. In recent years, the development of AI, meta-universe, Microsoft ChatGPT and Huawei Pangu model is booming, the continuous development of electrification, information technology, digitalisation are inseparable from electronic components. Big to war warships, missiles, small to the people’s smart door locks, TV sets, from Apple’s smart phones to kinghelm ( www.kinghelm.com.cn ) development of Beidou GPS navigation products, are inseparable from the chip. China’s General Administration of Customs data, China’s chip 2023 January-June total imports decreased quite a lot still amounted to 162.609 billion U.S. dollars. According to incom

SLKOR Semiconductor has achieved the previous stage of the target

  SLKOR Deputy General Manager, Mr. He Junju, said that in setting SLKOR's annual sales target for 2023, challenging and feasible milestones were set taking into account the weak market environment of the domestic and international economy, and the company's own actual situation. SLKOR has now achieved the first half of the milestone, thanks to SLKOR ( www.slkormicro.com ) Semiconductor has taken a variety of measures, including strengthening marketing, strict control of product quality, the development of incentives for sales strategy, etc., all employees responded positively to the joint efforts, and ultimately achieved the first half of the sales target. He Junju said that we will continue to work hard next, summarize the experience, high, for the second half of 2023 phase of the target reached again and again to create a brilliant! August 18 in Kinghelm and SLKOR ( www.slkoric.com ) headquarters in Bantian Paradigm Building, ( www.kinghelm.net ) SLKOR all colleagues to part

Mr. Song Shiqiang, an economist from Huaqiang North, on Huaqiang North's economic views

 When introducing Shenzhen Huaqiangbei, Mr. Song Shiqiang, an economist at Huaqiangbei, said that the economic miracle of Huaqiangbei is based on the fact that mainland China has undertaken the third major industrial transfer in the world. It coincides with demographic dividends, market dividends, policy dividends and geographical advantages. A world-class distribution center for electronic information hardware. The more official definition of "Huaqiangbei Museum" is "China's No. 1 Electronic Street, the Global Technology and Fashion Place". Huaqiangbei is a place with many people, money, companies, goods, information, resources, opportunities, and high business efficiency. It is a business card that showcases the achievements of China's reform and opening up and Shenzhen's economic development. Huaqiangbei is famous for its many "billionaires". The latest collective appearance is the out-of-stock from 2020 to 2022. STMicroelectronics, GD Zhaoy

Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor From SLKOR

 MOSFET (abbreviation of Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor),slkor ( www.slkoric.com ) sales engineer Sun Gaofei said for everyone, MOSFET we usually also called mos tube, field effect tube. Metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor, is the most commonly used structure in the FET, is used as a switching device. Mos tube is divided into pmos and nmos, namely Pch MOSFET and Nch MOSFET. Pch MOSFET: MOSFET that conducts by applying a negative voltage to the gate with respect to the source pole, and can be driven by a voltage lower than that of the input voltage, so the circuit structure is relatively simple. Nch MOSFET: A MOSFET that conducts by applying a positive voltage to the gate with respect to the source; the on-resistance between the drain and the source is smaller than that of a Pch MOSFET, thus reducing the conventional losses. one of the main electrical parameters of a mos-tube, the on-resistance, is the value of the resistance between the drain and the so

SLKOR and semiconductor industry basketball friendly match

Since the establishment of "SLKOR Warriors Basketball Team", the team has been using the ball to meet friends, and has recently exchanged learning games with many electronic information counterparts. The Warriors team has demonstrated the spirit of unity, hard work and never-say-die spirit on the field of play. On the court, SLKOR players like a tiger like galloping, like a falcon like soaring, fighting force and willpower are constantly strengthened to improve.  As SLKOR (www.slkormicro.com) General Manager Mr. Song Shiqiang said, with our Warriors Basketball Team as a grip to build a wolf team, the organization should be dynamic sports can not be left behind, people and organizations is in the confrontation and competition in the continuous progress and constantly become stronger, but also implement the kinghelm Sachem micro do anything must be done to achieve the spirit of the industry's top! SLKOR Warriors Basketball Team and "Chuanyu Electronics Basketball Team&